You'd be surprised how fun it is.

User Rating: 9.8 | Chronicle of Dungeon Maker PSP
Back in the PS1 heyday there was a corny game called RPG MAKER where you'd dictate every aspect of storymaking and it got kinda complicated. My god complex isnt that strong so I opted to wait for a SIMPLER and BETTER LOOKING game that did the same thing. Dungeon Maker incorporates all the elements needed to make a good'ol hack'n'slash swords'n'sorcery story without having to worry about every detail. Plus you get to savor your creation by DUNGEON CRAWLING YOUR OWN DUNGEON!

GRAPHICS : It takes cues from puzzlequest where the town has a strictly anime feel and everything looks attractive with fresh designs of everything. When you get to design your own dungeon you do so in 3d and at first things look bland but as you go on you get to add texture and furniture and it's fantastic to see your creation evolve as you create your story.

MUSIC : Everything is pleasant and done well. Music isnt distracting, not overpowering and not irritating. sound effects are appropriate for everything that happens.

CONTROL : Very important in this type of game where control is key. WONDERFULLY INTUITIVE is all you need to know. You wont get lost or bored.

REPLAYABILITY : I haven't stopped playing it yet and Transformers looms ahead. YOU WILL NOT GET TIRED OF PLAYING THIS.

So... what are you waiting for? Go get it.