Shallow combat and bland visuals bring down this other wise great game.
This game is largely divided into 3 parts:
1. You can enter your dungeon once a day to kill monsters or customize it or whatever. The building system is simple, yet deep. The combat... well, the combat amounts to two buttons, triangle and circle. Triangle is a strong attack while circle is a weak one. Throw in a few magic spells, and you have the combat.
2. You leave the dungeon and go to the town plaza or wherever to sell off what you aquired or claim the rewards for a quest. You can buy the spells, items, cooking mats., building mats., strengthening mats., etc. at various places in the town.
3. Once your finsihed selling/buying or whatever, you can go to your house, put items in storage, and eat a meal. This meal decides what stats you increase. You can only eat one meal a day, so you have to chose wisely what you want to eat. Then you go to sleep. This replenishes any lost HP or MP. When you wake up the next day, you do it all over again
Dungeon Maker's concept is kept interesting throughout because you never know who or what will be waiting for you when you enter a room. With better visuals, combat, and a little more customization, this game could have been the best PSP game ever. But instead, it is merely good. However, I do recomend this game to anyone looking for a PSP game to Occupy their time and have fun with.