This doesn't connect much to the first game. Don't bother with Dungeon Siege, just play this game.

User Rating: 9 | Dungeon Siege II PC
If Dungeon Siege is Diablo, then this game is Diablo II. It is the game the first one should have been. They add a skill system. Character advancement is actually interesting this time around. The world is bigger and much more interesting, although still very linear. The story is better. In every way I can think of, this game is just like the first one, but better.

It still gets tedious at times. It's also a lot harder if you ask me. There are some fights at the end that feel pretty unfair. There were too many frustrating moments, but challenge isn't a bad thing. The payoff was good. The character system and better plot made you feel like you were working towards something much better than the first game did.

This doesn't connect much to the first game. Don't bother with Dungeon Siege, just play this game.