Short and Sweet...
Longevity: 5/10 -
Suited for more casual players, the hardcore gamer will easily complete this in an afternoon of 5-6hrs worth of gameplay, though side quests do extend this gameplay. This is very different from the prequels which could see you into 40hrs of gameplay.
Storyline: 7/10 -
If you're closely familiar with the previous Dungeon Siege titles, then this one may surprise you. The creator's have clearly spent a lot of effort creating an in-depth storyline, which the previous titles lacked. 4 customisable characters with unique personalities, dialogue trees allow altered scenes and character endings. The story is faced-paced and exciting, never a dull-moment.
Controls: 7/10 -
Movement and conjuring spells/advanced firing or major combos becomes comfortable quickly and brings you closer into the magical world. Co-operative targeting systems allow even the novice to enjoy themselves and allows tactics and strategy to truly be a part of the gameplay.
Atmosphere: 8/10 -
You spend a lot of time conversing with other characters, and learning about the political conflict of the legion and a seamless world keeps you concentrated on the game. There are minimal loading times.
Graphics & Sound: 9/10 -
Realistic voice over's and enchanting audio really pull this game together, and create the finishing touches to the story. The graphics are amazing, cut scene's are realistic and gameplay is seamless, clearly a lot of effort has gone into both the video and audio aspects.
Overall: 8.0/10 -
Once you've completed the game you'd definitely be tempted to pull it out again in a few months time, however it will only give you 10-20hrs of gameplay, half the time prequels offered. Co-Op is extremely enjoyable, playable through the entire campaign story. Addictive and extremely enjoyable, single or Co-Op Dungeon Siege 3 is definitely worth playing! Just plain fun!