Dungeon Siege; Throne of Agony is a Magnificent game. It isn't perfect, but it is incredibly fun nonetheless. At the beginning of the game, you are given three characters to choose from. Mogrim, the half-giant, Serin, the elf, and Allister, the battle mage. Each of these character has an option of two "followers" which aid you in killing monsters and completing quests. Each character has a total of 7 classes. One class for when you start the game, two classes, for level 30, and four classes when you reach level 60. Each class grants the character different abilities, and the classes which you an choose at level 60 depend on what you choose at level 30. The combat is very simple. Run around, mash X/O/Triangle button. Rinse and repeat. Despite this though, the combat is fun and addictive. The graphics are not so great. Many games look alot better, and I feel that they could have done better in the graphics department. Some glitches can be game breaking, for example; If you get stuck in between some rock or other scenery, the only way to continue the game, is if you posses a teleportation scroll. Other than the graphics and glitches, this is a great game and I would recommend it to anybody who wants a fun RPG on the go.
Other Helpful Reviews for Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony
INTRODUCTION Dungeon Siege : Throne of Agony takes its name from the succesful Diablo-like PC game series. This installment, however, has found its home on the PSP, which is a compliment to this system's technical pro... Read Full Review
I can see why people might find this sort of Diablo-esque RPG boring on their computer. Hell, I didn't find Dungeon Seige 2 THAT fantastic (good, not great), but this game is AMAZING! Graphics- Perfect. Looks great... Read Full Review