Way too easy... wasn't play-tested for difficulty... uninspiring story... hack-n-slash gets old after a few hours
Using the warrior, by the mid level 30s (which doesn't take long to achieve), you can pretty much kill any normal monster with a single attack and some of the bigger boss types only take 2 or 3 hits. This is not fun! Just mindless task completion with no challenge. I gave up in my late 40s at the start of chapter 3 with this character.
With the battlemage, you can summon minions that are nearly impossible for the enemy to defeat. So while your minion is getting pounded on and taking relatively little damage, you can launch magical attacks (or even just fire off your ranged weapons) with no risk to yourself whatsoever. Completed the game with this character. The final battle was so lame... (If you want a fun final battle, I suggest Marvel Ultimate Alliance). I chose the vile wizard specialization so at times, I had a summoned minion, 3 summoned skeletons, and a follower... see how boring the game is then using all that :)
I didn't even bother with the third rogue-type character as there just wasn't any compelling reason to continue playing.
Finally, the load times when you enter/exit a town or dungeon as well as when accessing the map or the teleporting chambers (which allow you to "speedily" move from one section of the world map to the other) are ridiculously long...do your best to remember where things are so you don't have to load the map up.
Very disappointed. My score is generous and to the people giving this game over 9+ heck even over a 7... you have some seriously low standards, sorry. It starts out fun in the very beginning but by middle of chapter 2 (out of 3 chapters total), it becomes dreadfully dull. Diablo this is not... Look elsewhere or rent it if you must.