Good game, but I've played better.

User Rating: 8 | Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony PSP
I picked up this game because I love action RPGs. My favorite games on my PS2 are probably BG:DA, BG:DA2, Champions of Norrath and Champions: Return to Arms. So I was looking for a great action RPG, hack & slash experience like those games have, just for my PSP. Did I find it? Sort of.

The Story: The story seems pretty threadbare, but then again, most action RPGs have a minimalistic story anyway: msyterious attackers, villages in trouble, groups of armed men out to defent the town never return, but you, the lone hero, somehow may manage to save the world. Pretty much the same here. You're basically give a basic storyline just to give you the excuse to go out and kill stuff.

Gameplay: The Baldur's Gate & Champions series have a very tight control scheme, and for the most part, DS:TOA follows that scheme. However, the gameplay does not feel as tight. Sometimes you can hit an enemy if he's very far away from you. Sometimes you can be up close and not hit them at all. So it's a bit buggy in that respect. The idea of a follower is great on paper, but the game is so easy, it's hardly necessary. There are only 3 classes to choose from, and even as a battle mage (least in melee damage), I am still almost invincible, even at early levels. Games should be enjoyable, but there's a certain tension that is missing in this game. I feel invincible, and that may sound fun, but it isn't. The inventory system is a bi cumbersome, but not so much that it affects gameplay in any serious way. I just wish it was a bit more streamlined.

Graphics: The graphics, I have to say, are stellar. They look very good for a handheld game. Your character's appearance changes as you equip new weapons and armor. No complaints here.

Issues: None that I have come across. The load times are not as horrible as many on here have suggested. They seem pretty much on par with every other game I've played on my PSP. 30 seconds is not the eternity many peeople reviewing this game would have you believe. I also haven't come across any of the bugs that have been reported. I wonder if they fixed those in later printings of the game?

So, the game is far from perfect, but still a good hack & slash game. I wish certain controls and gameplay elements were tighter, and I wish it wasn't so dang easy. I like winning, but I like a little uncertainty too. For $20, it's not a bad investment.