This game is unimaginative and extremely repetitive. It is definitely only for hack-and-slash combat junkies.
But it is only for players who like plenty of easy combat. That's really all this game is - repetitive, easy combat in which the player is more of a spectator than a participant.
Here's a summary of how the game unfolds: walk a ways along the path or dungeon, encounter a group of monsters, coax them to come after your party one-or-two at a time, kill them, take the loot, heal or resurrect any characters as required, micro-adjust your inventory; now walk a little further, encounter a group of the same or similar monsters, coax them to come after your party one-or-two at a time, kill them, take the loot, heal or resurrect any characters as required, micro-manage your inventory; now walk a little futher.....well, you get the idea. And then finally (and mercifully) you come to the end of each area/environment, encounter a "boss" monster, kill the boss, take the loot, heal or resurrect any characters as required, micro-adjust your inventory, then move on to the next pretty region/environment and repeat the process all over again ad-nauseum for perhaps fifty or sixty hours or more.
The game is just mind-numbingly repetitive. Just endless rounds of unchallenging hack-and slash combat. There are essentially no puzzles to solve, no NPC interaction beyond buying and selling or quest giving (and the quests are extremely unimaginative). Just combat. Period. And you really don't have to do anything during the combat. Just click on a monster and then sit back and watch (you might have to keep an eye on your life and manna levels during the fight, and sometimes you might have to retreat a little to regroup, but that's about it).
To be fair, there are lots of people who like these kinds of Diablo clones in which the satisfaction comes in ripping your way through endless waves of beasties from beginning to end. If that's your cup of tea, you'll enjoy this game. And I make no judgements on those who like those kinds of games. I guess hack-and-slash games are a legitimate category of role-playing games. But if, like me, you prefer multi-dimensional RPGs that have truly immersive stories, a mix of quests, puzzles, and action, meaningful NPC interaction, and a sense of really identifying with your character (isn't that what role-playing is, by definition?), this is most definitely not the game for you.
In summary, this game is pretty and long, but in my opinion it is so mind-numbingly easy , linear, repetitive, one dimensional, and unimaginative that it can only be described as falling miserably short of what a good role-playing game should be.
In the final analysis, this long-term veteran of CRPGs (I've been playing them for over twenty years , and I've played so many I can't remember them all) found this game to be unsatisfying and ultimately boring. My final lingering impression is that I wasted my time with this game. But at least I learned a lesson - no more Diablo clones for me, no matter how pretty or long they might be!