This is a somewhat entertaining, but mindless game. I'd also consider it a "hack and crash" game.

User Rating: 5.5 | Dungeon Siege PC
This is a somewhat entertaining, but mindless game. Treat it as such and it will be somewhat enjoyable.

It's classified as an action-rpg, but there's very little rpg feel to it. There's almost no story and no character development. 90% of the game consists soley of hacking away at monsters away from anything resembling civilization and NPCs. At one part of the game you go for nearly 10 hours straight and only see one NCP.

When you are hacking away at monsters it's tough to know if you're close to ending a segment of monster killing or not. Boss fights aren't exactly exciting and a couple bosses are almost impossible to kill.

Another annoying part of this game is leveling your character. The way it's setup is that there are four different classes you can work towards. They are melee, range, chaos, and nature. Nature and chaos are the magic classes. As you gain experience you gain skill levels in your class based on your chosen method of attack. Whichever your primary class is determines how your character stats increase. Whichever class level is highest is your primary class which directs your stat leveling. Therefore, if you have a 25 level melee character that you want to be a hybrid of a melee and nature magic user, you have to level up your nature class until it's above the melee class before you can gain substantial intelligence levels. This makes it incredibly hard to create a hybrid character. However, it's almost impossible not to create hybrids. Characters who are soley magicians have extremely low hitpoints. Once you reach about halfway through the game your mages die all the time. This becomes really really annoying and can sometimes cost you the entire battle. Therefore you are almost forced to level everyone up as melee characters to increase their strength which increases intelligence the most until you are 1/3 or 1/2 the way through the game. Gaining experience isn't an easy task either. There really isn't enough experience to gain. Therefore you have to siphon exp off monster mages who spawn creatures. You've gotta kill at least 300 extrea monsters to be near strong enough to progress in the game. It's a ridiculous system.

Yet another annoyance is the mules in this game. You have to have at least 3 mules to carry around all the crap you pick up. Otherwise you won't have near enough gold to fully equip your crew with the best stuff. However, mules die easily and always run around when the enemy approaches. This makes them tough to track down sometimes while they are dying. Therefore, you are forced to clear out areas before proceeding. This means you have to move two parties instead of one which is such a freak'n waste of time.

The interface of the gameplay is actually pretty good. The camera angle smoothly rotates with mouse location and you can zoom in and out easily. Hotkeys allow you to bring up specified weapon selections or parties with ease. Selling or buying items is quick with a ctrl-click option. Also, picking up items is very easy since there's a hotkey to command your party to automatically pick up stuff in view. I suppose this technology comes at a cost, cause this game crashes a lot.

I only finished about 2/3 of this game. I would've completed it, but it (ver. 1.11) kept crashing and crashing. I've no will left to finish this already inferior rpg. I'm not sure how to fix the crashing since I've seen so many people report the same problem. I've a year-old system with an ATI x800GTO video card. I can't think of any reason it would crash. The crashes about every 1-2 hours. Sometimes they don't happen at all. About a third of the time it happens when I try to save, so there's almost no way around the crashes. The last ten times I've played this game I've had about five or six crashes total. I loast about a half an hour a piece from each crash.

In conclusion, for such a weak rpg, no matter how nice the UI is, this game is too unstable to be playable. I would suggest that people not even bother trying it.