It could have been so much more, but what it was, was pretty fun.

User Rating: 8.4 | Dungeon Siege PC
This game was a lot of fun, but was by no means perfect. It really is a great blend of action RPG and real time strategy. There are moments were it really shines and finds it's own foot outside either, and there are times when you can really feel the flaws of both.

From a purely action RPG perspective, it was a mind-numbing hack and slash bloodbath. After about two-thirds of the way through the game, I really wanted to start chewing my foot off from the tedium. All action RPG's do that to me, but this one was particularly bad near the end. I finished it, and didn't regret it though, but I don't think I could play it again. From a strategy perspective, there were pathfinding issues and dumb AI issues. I really wanted strangle my party members sometimes. Also, inventory management was a pain in the neck.

Having multiple characters gives the game a lot of depth a normal action RPG wouldn't have. If it weren't for the overwhelming SAMENESS and linearity of the game, it would have been a lot better. The game gorgeous. The environments really draw you in. The character system was arcane and restricting, but it didn't matter much in the end. If you just pick a path (magic, fighting, archery), stick to it, don't worry about diversifying your character and just focus on smashing skulls, it's fun enough.

It could have been so much more, but what it was, was pretty fun.