Really wanted to say better... but stay away! You will be disappointed.
D&D Online has some neat ideas... but much like Turbine forgot with AC2, you need to have fun when you are sitting behind a computer alone. I played AC2 beta and the first month of the game and walked away saying they missed the mark... I played D&D online in beta and refused to buy the game because I thought they missed the mark by a mile again... went back in July to try the free week because I heard they made improvements... and was disappointed again.
With Turbine it seem they think the game should match the table top experience, and that is stupid. You are trapped playing with strangers all the time in this game beyond the first few areas, mainly because you can not do anything in this game unless you complete quests... there is no free form hunting
If I wanted to play RPGA... I would go to cons and play with strangers and go on missions with them. Course the number of people that are RPGA members and want to play RPGA is less than the number of people playing D&D online.
Hell Wizards and a real development company give me 4 million and I'll give you a D&D online game that people actually want to play. Which means multiple provinces, the ability to kill creatures in the wild and gain xp and the sense that you have some freedom to advance your character beyond chundering through the same quest over and over cause you need to do it with strangers just to open up the next locked area.
Shame on Turbine for developing another garbage online game that could have been a serious WOW contender... please fire your game designers... I would hope that AC2 failure and the (what you all ready know will be) D&D online failure would tell you that you do not know how to make games with broad appeal.
And to anyone that thinks this game is the next best thing to sliced bread... I would hope you wake and smell something. Have you seen any successful MMORPG offer a free trial six months after launch... that wasn't failing? Most people that have tried this game do not like it, why because simply it is not fun.