UGHHH The AGONY...Long Wait= EXTREME Disappointment
God help you if you are a group h8er. 'Cuz in D & D Online you have about 30 mins of game play running solo, then kaput!! No more solo for yoo!!! Bye bye. And I do not mean if you are uber you can kick azzer yer way thru. Nope. Uh uh.
Remember the days of AD&D when there weren't PC's in every home and we sat around and rolled little, colored, plastic, multi-sided die?? Well I NEVER recall doing it alone. And Turbine will be damned if they let you do it alone now with their game.
As a soloer by nature I found this VERY disconcerting at first (forced grouping). I still do to some degree...people are friggin weird, strangers especially...12 year old strangers frighteningly so, so I choose to avoid that demographic completely and solo till I find a mature guild to run with or stay solo. I HATE being forced to do aything in a game. But I chilled out and got in groups for a little while and I did have some fun. But they were all the cliches came true eventually. No one really got along. No one was REALLY enjoying themselves. THIS IS NOT FUN I repeated to myself over and over at one point where I just wanted to go home.
This is a VERY accurate rendition of D & D. Unfortunately it's a D & D I never played. I am not used to version 3.5, I have and I have never even HEARD of Ebberon (which I think sucks). Why didn't they use the timehonored AD&D rulebook? Bust out Dungeons/Quests written for that...even if it meant living in the Forgotten Realms...or tie it all together in whatever the helll that world was called...and go with material all of us nastalgia seekers were looking for? I am not sure wtf they were thinking using Eberron, and no soloing is a drag since technically the PC IS teh DM and I DID play on occasion just me vs. the Dungeon Master. It's called multi-roles or maybe allow us to hire henchmen. Guild Wars handled that quite not so much..
I put in enough quarters to last me 60 days....but I have yet to put any more in until this game goes thru its growing pains. Perhaps I have gotten bent one too many times helping to "age" an MMO...and I SO LOOKED FORWARD to this one...but it is NOT what I was expecting OR hoping for.
It isn't a bad start though. Perhaps some hidden genius will surprise us all with an AD & D sponsored game. Perhaps not. But this isn't the D & D I remember. Warforged??! WTF are those???
I beg the question. Are pen, paper, colored die and warm beer the only way to get AD&D right? I KNOW someone out therer can do this....