DnD Fans, now is your time to Buy a PSP
DnD tactics is just that, a thinking persons tactical turnbased fantasy RPG. This is what really RPG is, you build your characters from the ground up (you could pick pregenterated ones) and you control their every aspect from their stats, their skills, everything.
Sure DnD can be tough for those not comfortable with the rules. But I honestly feel the Help system in the game is wonderful giving good consise explanations on every item/action/spell ect...
The gameplay graphics could be better but their definatly forgiveable when you consider the scope of everything the game has to keep track of on and off screen. The "Cut Screen" sequences done ala Still Character Pictures and text are amazingly high pre-rendered stills and are mouth wateringly beautiful.
The sound I think is very enjoyable - a new soothing song on the map screen as you move around between towns, buying equipment, checking out available adventures.
The gameplay controls are slow, but in a tactics game thats a good thing. Commands branch out into the many options of DnD. For example I think alot of people have been fooled into thinking theres just attacking... ho hum... attacking... well theres actually, Bluffing, Feinting, Intimidating, Charging, BullRushing, Defensive Attack, and more, just conserning melee combat.
Replay, Obviously the combination of this being DnD and being a great game make the replayabilty of this game off the charts.
I havnt gotten a real chance to play with multiplayer yet, but if its even half as good as the singleplayer mode... geeks everywhere will be PSP DnD-ing all over the place.