A good game, not great game.
Fast paced
short learning curve
FF Tactics
It's fairly tough to get the hang of how the menus work, merely because they're not user friendly. But, if you're old enough to remember the good ole SSI Games like Pool of Radiance, you might figure this game to be the current version of it. If you've had/have a fondness for D&D on any level, you could very well enjoy this if you remember what you're playing; a rather stubborn tactic based game. Now, so far this might sound like a glowing review, but for those of you on the fence about this game, like I was, you won't love it, but you will enjoy it. There is a certain satisfaction of playing D&D games. If you have to ask what the difference is between D&D and other dungeonesque games like Baldur's Gate or Neverwinter Nights, then this game might not be for you either. This game has a very select audience. If you have to ask if you're one of these people, then chances are, again, you're not.
It's not a gret game, but it is good, if you're willing to put in the time. It's certainly not for the "20 minute and put down" player; even if you can save at any time. It's good it you've got a couple hours to burn at a time and a nice quiet place. It's also one of those games that's great to take on a flight.
If you're not a big D&D gamer, then buyer beware. Rent if you can.