Literal D&D Game
For starters, the game is a literal & accurate D&D model strictly apply the 3.5 D&D rule set. This makes combat and movement more realistic than any other turn base stratigy that I have ever played. On the other hand, this makes the game have somewhat of a steep learning curve, and it takes quite a bit of time to familairize yourself with the dynamics of the game.
Another aspect of the game that bares recongnition is the tremendous amount of detail that was incorperated into the system. There is a healthy selection of both character races and classes. Futhermore, there is numerous abilities and feats that are all taged with comprehensive explanations. I honestly spent half my time reading about abilites and game modifiers. This could be just what some people are looking for, and yet what other do thier best to avoid. I happen to appreciate how exhautive the plateform is.
Though there is plently of things to make this an awesome and unique title, there are a few downbeats that cause the overall rating to plummet. The irregular controls and unorthodox menu system cause a little discomfort at first. Additionally there is some occational bugs associeated with the movement system. Besides the controls, another disappointment is the lack of depth in the storyline. Although I only played through 2 levels, I could easly see that the game was deprived of a good storyline. It is opon this note inwhich the total evaluation of the game drastically diminishes.
Taken as a whole, I give D&D Tactics a 7.5 and that still might be a little to high. Yet, what the game lacks in story elaboration it makes up in overall gameplay detail. In other words the game still has a good amount of replay value, and looks as though it can keep one busy for hours on in. I rented this game for a short period of time so that I would be able to compare it to "Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts." I have yet to see which is better.