If you like the old D&D pen and paper game, this is a GREAT game for you.
First, the interface. Personally I just do not see the problems they outline. I thought it was about as good as they could do with the simple control structure that the PSP has. In fact, I found myself cruising around the interface, both in combat, and menus with ease.
There was an adjustment in that it was harder then the PC versions for equipment, and inventory control. However, given the PSP limitations over a PC, once I figured it out and how to work with it, it became easy enough.
Visually, the game was good. Here again I just don't understand the review from GS. Here again, you are playing raw D&D rules, so it all depends on what is more important to you. I thought the graphics were good, and the minor problems with angles could easily be worked around.
My main complaint was that after you finished an "adventure" you were whisked out without a chance to just "explore." Which in the end, meant you could leave behind booty! Honestly, this made for a new strategy with a rouge type, in that they would have to get to all the booty while the others took care of mobs.
I loved the combat, spells, and adventures. It all just took me back to the old D&D. It was nice to be able to boot tis up and play, and not have to get 5 of my friends together, and play 10 hours! In the end this was the main draw of the game for me, as it allowed me to play D&D, that is, real, raw, true to the rule set D&D with as little as a couple of minutes and then come back when I had more time.
The replay value is awesome, where you can reply with all new classes and characters.
Loved it.