fan of D&D roleplay games, well add that to srpg and you have one very decent game.
This game is a srpg based on the D&D rulebook, and is complete in every way to thatsystem, with seven different races to choice from like human, elf, gnome, halforc etc and thirteen different classes at ur disposial, including barbarian, paladin, wizard psyconic warrior etc.
The game is huge and gives u the option to either create ur own group of characters or allow the game to generically create them for you, which is a nice touch for those not familar with the D&D setup, again when gaining a new level the game allows for manual or automatic levelups.
The game has both single player mode and also multiplayer of which there are three options, 'join a hosted game', 'host a dungeon bash' and host a deathmatch battle'. The multiplayer can be extremely fun either teaming up or fighting against ur friends. the single player mode places u on a map where u r represented as a flag allowing u to travel to different places where u have the options to start an adventure, shop, view cutscenes, manage the party, save etc the menus take alittle getting used to but i didnt find them to be to combersome to work with.
on starting an adventure u first choose the members u wish to take into battle with u(the first few missions only allow acouple of units but after those training missions allows a max of six) the adventure maps can be quite huge easily seeing one take anywhere from half an hr1hr or more to complete the objectives. There are two modes exploration allowing you to move more freely around the map and combat mode when enemies are spoted which gives upto two moves per unit, the game generates the order u move in, so in some cases u may find u get one turn then the enemies have there turn before getting to the rest of ur party, which really makes the game strategic, in how u move and spread the team out.the enemies have good AI and u fight against the normal sort of enemies to this gender including goblins, orcs, trolls,mindflayers etc.
of course all the magics and weapons one would expect from a D&D game are avilible to u, some of which are very expensive, and as ur levels increase so to do the powers, special attacks and magics u can learn, making the game hugely customizable.
the game reminds me of baldars gate or neverwinter nights but in turn based mode, the graphics arent bad the dungeons are very nice to look at, with a wide range represented, shadows are fantastic and look great when casting light, or using a torch, the soundtrack is a little repedetive but not bad.the length felt right at around 45hrs.
the menus are alittle bit of a issue to start with, but nothing that cant be quickly learnt. All and all i think this is a underrated game especially for those who like srpg's or D&D type games.
i give this game a even 8/10 because i really enjoy the gender and for joe average would score it at a high 7.5/10.
anyway hope this helps in some way, feel free to ask any questions......