If anthromorphs or exaggerated voice acting reminiscent of kid's cartoons are deal breakers for you: avoid this game.

User Rating: 7 | Dust: An Elysian Tail PC

If anthromorphs or exaggerated voice acting reminiscent of kid's cartoons are deal breakers for you: avoid this game. If not, you may find things to enjoy in Dust: An Elysian Tail.

I got a lot of enjoyment out of Dust but at the same time I don't agree that it is as great as some reviewers make it out to be. First, the gameplay: Combat is solid but what you see at the beginning of the game doesn't evolve or add new moves aside from 2 spells for your sidekick, Fidget. You'll perform the same few combos over and over. They are flashy and feel weighty but there is a limit to how many times you can see them before they become stale; a limit I reached considerably before the end of the adventure. I will commend the game for the innovative ability to supercharge Fidget's spells by combining them with your Dust Storm technique. I just wish more was added on as the game progressed.

The voice acting is another area of contention. From a technical standpoint I think it is very well done. In particular, your sidekick Fidget has a unique, emotive and amusing voice-over that, while cartoonishly exaggerated, demonstrates a lot of talent from the actress. It is that artistic choice to go with a fairly light and at times silly tone that I question. It fits great with the visual design but not so much with the rather dark tale that is told. It is also bound to turn some people off.

The first half of the game has a pretty standard plot involving an amnesiac protagonist. It isn't until near the end of the game when you discover his origin and backstory that things became interesting to me. Without spoiling anything I will say that the concept is really cool and an adequate payoff after a predictable beginning. Fortunately, some lively and likable characters are able to keep things enjoyable even when the plot is dragging. My only noteworthy complaint with the cast is that no background or motive is given for the main antagonist, making him a very shallow character.

Visually Dust is an appealing game with great use of color but it doesn't stand up very well to close scrutinization. There's just not a lot of detail in it. A good artist can make a simple design look elegant and appealing but there are frequent examples here where simple just looks amateurish. A lot of the character designs fall into that category as do environmental objects like trees. Still, there is enough that is good about it that it has most reviewers saying it has excellent graphics. The whole package is complimented by a compelling soundtrack.