When I first started Dying Light, I was pretty hyped about it. As I continued into the story line and game play, it didn't stick as much as I wanted it too. I feel like the initial setup of the game revolved around the mechanics of Assassins creed and Far cry. Initially, you are just looting around for upgrades to be able to kill zombies more efficiently. The story-line lacked the intensity of games like The Last of Us or Dragon Age Inquisition, where you were more involved and actually cared about every cutscene. Overall, the game sort of lived up to expectation in a sense where killing zombies was still enjoyable and it was a challenge to discover how to get to certain areas sometimes. The last thing I had an issue with was the port to PC but I'm sure that is what every person writing a review on the PC edition of this game said because it just made the game so horrible to play because of the constant lag around big cutscenes or events. Coming from 2014, which in my opinion. was a very bad year for gaming as a whole, this game brings hope for 2015 to kick major butt.
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