Dead Island has tried, and even the game is not bad, he has sinned in many things, more Dying Light hits in full, can mix very well the open world with the theme of zombie, the game has 2 map, the favela and the city, And both are very different and very cool to walk, I prefer the favela, I think the weather is more tense, the game has picked up many things from Left 4 Dead too, there are many special zombies that are very similar to Valve's game, The main character is cool, I liked him, there are others also that has his highlight, the game also has moments a little shocking, is very violent, from to cuts the zombie in various parts, has a great variety of zombie, has a weapon Of fire and also white weapon, to customize it too, the graphics are beautiful, and the plot is good, even with some bugs, and the secondary missions are a bit repetitive. Note 91
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