Improves Dynasty Warriors 4 with some nifty new features.
DW4 acts as either a stand alone title or as an expansion to the original. The game plays best with the original as it comes with musou mode and freemode, etc. On its own XL contributes Legend Mode and Xtreme mode.
Legend mode is a series of short scenarios based on a defining moment in a playable characters history. This is in my opinion better than the story mode of the previous game as it is short and sweet. The other mode is Xtreme mode where you are presented with 3 brief scenarios where you may betray allies or work with them. How you choose to fight the battle affects later stages as money and mission experience is carried over. This is fun but a little too involved for the genre of gaimng that this is. This game is ok untill you hold in account the multiplayer. The multiplayer of Lu Bu's or Ma Chao's scenario in Legend mode are outrageously fun. The thrill of slaughteting literally thousands of enemies within half an hour is unmatched as there aren't many games where so many enemies appear on screen like that outside of the RTS world.