Good game and if your a fan of dynasty warriors they've got a few new things for you.
User Rating: 7.5 | Shin Sangoku Musou 3 PS2
Like dynasty warriors 3 its set at the fall of the han empire with different kingdoms or groups fighting for control of china. You still get to fight with all the characters in number three (except Fu Xi and Nu Wa) with a few new additions. You start out choosing from nine different characters from Wei, Wu or shu. As you progress you unlock Lu Bu, Dong Zhou, Yuan Shao, Nan-nam, and the Yellow Turbans. Each group has its own little story line but after playing it threw all of them it doesnt really change. Only who you play as and who's all in the level. You can also skip some levels if you want to which sometimes leads to unlocking secret levels and maybe even an item or two. The soundtrack is kinda like the old one with the guitar just playing in the background. The main part of the game is still musou mode and yes there's still free mode and challange mode. Theres also the vs mode and this game is a two player so you can beat up the levels together. The history mode is still there where you can read about the kingdoms and characters. Theres an edit mode now where you can put characters in and watch them in a little scene but it deoesnt do much whe your watching the same thing over again. Theres also two new modes. A character edit mode witch allows you to create your own officer and play with him in battle. You can choose from a list of weapons and nine different selections (three in each) to put your guy in what you want. You can also choose the color. Then theres a new body guard edit mode. You can choose there name and even what body guards they are. Like regulars, nannams, yellow turbans, wemon body guards, and amazons.
You can also name them and before battler you can choose there weapons. The body guards do level up and as they level up they become stronger and change depending on what body guards you choose. You can have up to eight of them with you and even press select (on the ps2) and give them commands. There are only three though witch are stay here, attack enemies or defend your character. The items havent really changed but they look more detailed. Actually everything in this game is more detailed then dynasty warriors 3. Each charecter has six coustumes to if you wanna change your look but you gotta unlock them. The games AI is suffering. Most of the time the troop will just stand there and let you kill them and the officers to aren't much of a challange unless your way behind enemy lines. Another new addition is dueling. When an enemy officer challanges you you can press x and go in on a one on one duel. Witch is actually hard since the officers seems to become a whole lot smarter. Gameplay is alot of button mashing and it gets old fast. Specially when all the levels are pretty much the same with each character. The last thing is the weapons level up as well and go up to level 11 but you haft to go on hard mode to unlock them that high.and every few levels your weapon upgrades to allow a new charge attack. It stops at level nine though. This is a decent game to have but if your not a fan of it there are some things you might no be able to overlook. Like my copy of it freezes when to many troop get together or men will just dissapear.