DW4 is better then DW3 but not by much making it disappointing.
Graphics-(7.5) Graphics are pretty nice on the other hand. Not necessarily the best the PS2 had to offer at the time, like the environments didn't look so good but the character models look really nice.
Sound-(5.2) While the sound isn't as bad as DW3's its still not very good. The voice acting is a bit better not sounding as silly or overacting in the dialogue. The audio is better, but repetitive and not appealing.
Dynasty Warriors 4 is wear the series started to go down hill, DW2,3 were good DW4 was a disappointment and so was 5, the 6th one was suppose to be next gen and i was expecting something a better and new. But instead, it was all just the same as the others and that's why i rated it a 3.0 the lowest ive rated a game yet.