it is fourth game in series and yet it plays like something from 1998.
first thing that will please you is the fact that you can make your own characters [extremely limited options though], and you can play with them in game. and guess what, they even speak!!! now that's a luxury that even origins don't have.
well after i made my character clicked musou mode......wait, musou mode? wtf is that? am i some kind of fortune teller to kn
now what is meaning of musou? considering it is European [or at least us] version, i don't get why it is not named campaign.
well i started playing run onto enemies, it looks yummy to pwn them all, before enemy officers go and **** your **** up. it is funny how they block everything you throw at them. one might think that using musou attack would break their defense[IT FUC.ING SHOULD!] but one could be terribly wrong. nope, nothing breaks their defense well whatever. it wouldn't be such pain in the ass, if you could block everything too. but you can only block using their retarded block system, which block nothing in 3 degree radius. so you are constantly zerg rushed with their overpowered attacks[lol one combo takes about half of your health, while your attacks don't do .in the end i am terribly disappointed, this game is soooo poor that even super Mario is game of year in compassion to this.