Wow....amazing....They finally perfected this review, to learn everything bout this amazing game!

User Rating: 9.2 | Shin Sangoku Musou 4 Empires PS2
okay well i been playing dynasty warriors games for a longggggggggg time, i have had dw2, dw3, dw3XL, dw4, dw4XL,dw4 empires, dw5,dw5XL, and now finally dw5 empires, and all of the dynasty warriors always had somthing bringing them down, from dw2 being a piece of crp, to dw3 being little featured, and slow moving, to dw4's almost impossible to die, like i make a new char and can nearly beat expert mode, to dw4 empires where everytime i start the game i lose everything i worked for the previous game, or there wasnt no expert mode i knew of in it, or no 1 player empire mode.
Koei has finally perfected dynasty warriors, in this dw5 empires u can tell ur army to charge, stand there ground in a stronghold, tell them to do what they want, or my favorite, tell the whole entire army to come to you. In empire mode which is 2 players co op now, u can have 6 generals per. territory(having the generals population thing on many in the starting options) and unlike dw4 empires where they have to atack one of ur territorys 2 times to take it, if u aint got anyone in a territory this time its all theres unless u defend it. What was a major problem in dw4 empires was allies, there was no point in helping them, but in this game which is hard to get money, when ur allies need help to attack u get a large amount of money, or when u want to help the defend u get nearly as good an amount judging how ur only there for 15 min. well what else is there to say, there are 25 territorys, u can get ur weapon lvl up quick to get ur third weapon just go to assign and use blade,spear, or weapons smith which ever u want, or all smith which is quite expensive. Oh my favorite feature, this is the feature they didnt have in dw4 empires, u could not use anything u get after u beat the game u had to start completly new, well in this one, everytime u play empire mode, ur chars u used, keep all of there lvl's u gained on them, so u can start the game with like all max chars and attack a territory that has like 20,000 troops while u have like 120,000 troops, after resupplying ur generals with troops of course they dont start with 20,000 but u can use the command to replenish++ there soldiers to full. Everytime u beat the empires mode like the yellow turbuns theres a new mode, like dong zhuo, and divided lands which im currently on, tho its hard for me now im barely getting by with maxed chars, and my 3rd weapon, cuz im playing in hard mode, i can only imagine how hard chaos mode is.

Hands down this is a great game to get slightly hard learning curve due to all the commands, but nevertheless still the best hack and slash game there is!!

Graphics:same as dw5 (which is still pretty great)

gameplay:commanding ur army, kicking butt, conquering land, cant ask for any more fun

sound:great heavy beats dont go over the voices to much so its just right

value:must have!! 30 bucks brand new!!

Reviewers tilt: well i dont know what this is, but hey i just cant stop saying how great this game is, so if u havent brought it, stop reading...........NOW!!! and go buy it!!!!!

Enjoy =D