I haven't played a DW games since 2, and this one doesn't feel any different really...
Now, granted I haven't played a Dynasty Warriors games since DW2, the game still feels the same, which I kind of find pathetic, yet assuring. There are some differences, such as being able to upgrade weapons, adding strategy by picking your generals, etc., but the overall gameplay is just the same ol' hack-n-slash hundreds of Chinese warriors through the exact same levels that were in 2. Kind of lame how they add extra strategies but not extra levels. But overall, it's Dynasty Warriors, and no matter what, it's still tons of fun to kill loads of people at a time.
This 360 version basically looks like a high resolution PS2 game. It's nothing amazing at all, but nothing bad either. Everything is smooth and runs well, with hardly any lag. However, textures are blurred and character models still have that polygonal look. Movement of arrows, logs, and the like are still cluky too.
Great music (even though it is a 30 second loop), but terrible voice acting and sense of "hugeness." You'll hear yelling that sounds like 1,000 troops coming at you...with 15 people on the screen.
Of course there's tons of replay. You play the game over and over to not only aimlessly kill Chinese people, but to get the achievements too (especially if you're obsessed with getting them).
As mentioned before, I haven't fully played a DW game since 2, and I was disappoint to see few changes, but at the same time, it felt like a breath of fresh air with those few changes. A good game overall, but nothing you haven't seen before.