While Dynasty Warriors 5 Empires seems a heck of a lot like the rest of the DW games, there is one big difference. Empire mode. Of course it is an enormous addition (it's included in the title..) but once you really dig deep, it is the same game. Pick your character, pick your place, and kill stuff. Conquering lands is quite fun though, the strategy, economics, and diplomatic additions make DW5 much more interesting than its predecessors. Also, the edit character option also adds a little bit of flash because you can have your very own fighter! Yes it is very cool but after doing the same thing for about two hours, it doesn't add too much to it. I will admit however, I am a hack-and-slash fan so I could put up with playing this game until the end, but I know many..many people will become bored of the repetition. If you have a friend who could play this game with you then it is definitely worth a rent, considering I spent about 90% of my time on this game with a friend of mine. Overall, it is a source of entertainment for a short period, but the few innovations that it does contain don't make up for the lack of depth and same old combat system.
Other Helpful Reviews for Shin Sangoku Musou 4 Empires
Dynasty Warriros has had a long running series of endless button-mashing and hack and slash gameplay. The series has had downfalls and risings (meaning, many good and bad times). The gameplay of constantly hacking at d... Read Full Review
This game at first seemed complicated to me. But then I figured it all out and it is actually a nice element. Most weapons require you to practice to learn how to use them right. Some weapons are completely useles... Read Full Review