Same kind of good game with useless new modes
Gameplay: 8
The "Dynsaty Warriors" games are very fun. The 5th one was wonderful, and one of my favorite games, if not my favorite. DW5Xl doesn't seem to have enough. It's cool that you can remix the DDW5 and DW5Xl, but Koei tried to add new modes, and they didn't work out. Destiny mode, where you create your own character, is crappy. You can't seem to get as strong as other officers, and their isn't a main plot. There are just a bunch of mini-plots, and it just doesn't work. Legend mode is okay with the 18 new levels, but it's TOO easy. Normal isn't really much more challenging than easy, but then Hard seems to go a lot farther, though it's still not very hard. No doubt it's so easy because if you don't have DW5, your characters start from scratch and you have no items at the begining. There are new items, and 2 new challenge modes, but it still just doesn't make of for the crap of Destiny mode, even though when you finish playing in Destiny mode, your created character can play in legend and free mode. Maybe in DW6, Koei might improve Destiny mode. If you have the 5th though, it's a good idea to buy it, because youy get new items, and you can power up your characters with book scrolls you get after beating a level. But it's like DDW5, and so fun because you get to kill hundreds of people, without the blood.
Graphics: 7.5
The graphics are pretty good, since there can be about 100 people on the screen at a time. There are good details, and it just makes the game even better.
Sound: 7
The voices aren't very good, even though they improved from the 4th. There isn't a lot of enthuisiasm in the peoples voices, except for a few. Also, peoples voices got deeper. They sound weird now.
Value: This game only costs $30. It's pretty good, and I recommend it. It deserves to be trired.
Overall: 8
This game is worth the time, even though some parts aren't too good. You never know though, you might find some parts more interesting than they sound. That's why I give this game, overall an 8.