We all know that Konami and Omega Force have been beating this dead horse into the ground for the past few years but they are also sticking to the time honored saying "why fix it if it ain't broke?" The attractions of playing as more than 40 uniquely styled quasi-historical characters with the possiblity of over 50 with the "create-a-general" feature, vastly outweight the repetitive hack-and-slash genre it has almost come to define (next to the Gauntlet series). The voice acting is as expected with the occasional needle in a haystack voice-over of believability. The music is still the 80's rocker tunes stealthily sampled from the last games with a hint of new music for the handful of new missions, and the graphics are up to par and only slow down during multiplayer with an abhorent amount of people onscreen at once. All in all it sums up all of the likeability of the genre: many playable characters, unique weapons, cleverly strategic levels, and gameplay some people don't get sick of.
Other Helpful Reviews for Dynasty Warriors 5: Xtreme Legends
First and fore most, the series bar none is one of the best action games around. Often maligned by most of those here, for not changing radically enough. Perhaps is cause the game itself was ahead leaps and bounds ... Read Full Review
Dynasty Warriors 5 Xtreme Legends is about ancient China during the 3 Kingdoms period. It's an expansion for Dynasty warriors 5, which is a GREAT game. Gameplay: 8 The "Dynsaty Warriors" gam... Read Full Review