This Game Rocks!Why Must you Hate IT. It only needs online play some more chars and a few changes and it will be a must!
Really This Game Rocks. Not Only Does It Relate To Real Events In History But Is Extremely, Interactive And Great. You Can Follow PreMaid Strategies Or Devise your Own. Go Through Levals Defeating Hundreds Of Men Taking Out difficult Officers, take Over Bases And Even LevelUp In the Prosses All While Training A Bodyguard or using a pre trained one .Sure If It Had Online Play Many Of the Same People Would Be Running around But Since There are No Cinemas you Can Create a Char Really Please Why wont They Make It Online. Even without Online Create a Char Ex.. I Really Is a Must Have Don't Let The chance slip away.
DYNASTY WARRIORS 5 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!