It's back! Dynasty Warriors is here with it's 5th installment of the series!
First, let's look at whats new in the 5th installment of the series. We have six brand new characters. That brings the total to an whopping 48! I don't think I have to tell you that makes for one hell of a character selection. What's even better is that most of the characters you have to unlock!
Speaking of unlocking the characters, they have made it a little easier in this game. In order to unlock a character you have to beat the 'Musou Mode' of some of the other characters. That is a little easier then some of the tougher unlocking methods from the past Dynasty titles.
Now on to the actual Musou Mode. It's the storymode for you people out there who have no idea what 'Musou' is. Pick any character and listen as they narrate their own tale. Play through some levels kickin' total ass and build your character with weapons, items and a wicked new bodyguard system. Sounds good to me. With 48 characters you're probably looking at atleast 75 hours of gameplay to finish every character Musou Mode.
I have definatly noticed that the graphics are much better in this game. Everything just seems a little more detailed. If there was one thing bad about he graphics it's that there are always too many of the generic enemies that look completely identical. You would think they could have alteast made two or three differant models of enemy. Oh well! Maybe next game...
Dynasty Warriors 5 resembles Dynasty Warriors 3 more then it does 4. The weapons experiance system has been replaced with the finding weapons from the third game. The music also is quite similar to that of the third game. By the way, it's wicked rock music! Ha ha.
What else is there to talk about? It's a great game! By now it should actually be a decent price so I highly recommend it. I have been working on unlocking every character, and unlocking everyone's alternate attires and I must say it's quite the feat. I'm having a blast though, so I'm going to keep on playing until I have it all unlocked! Wicked!
Dynasty Warriors 5! Another great game in the wicked series. Now, let's start thinking about what we want to see in the next game...