A very fun game with tons of content and a few slightly annoying quirks.
While some people like to complain about the graphics in this game it is completely unjustified. This is the best looking DW game I've played and holds up against other modern titles. The enemies do mostly look the same, but when you're confronted with 500 or so on screen at once, you'll still be impressed. When playing co-op, the draw distance is less and there is an occasional frame-rate drop, but considering you can be fighting hundreds of enemies on separate sides of the map, its forgivable.
On the sound, if you're annoyed by the constant battlefield updates, then the sound will still annoy you. They also reused many voice actors and it can sound somewhat silly when two people with the same voice appear at the same time. The music isn't really noticeable, but if you find some tracks you love or hate you can switch the background music for each battle.
The main attraction in the game is the Empire Mode, actually that is the only mode (but there are several different scenarios). The real main attraction though, is powering up your characters. In this game, you'll take a character from a no-name sword for hire to the Undisputed Emperor. You can play as any character in the game, and there are a lot to choose from, or make a custom character (I found the latter especially fun). Then there is an old school RPG level up system, but also card effects, special moves, special effects, weapon leveling, and dedicated training. It can all seem overwhelming at first but makes sense once you dive into it. Once you've got it figured out you'll have a very customized and powerful character to run through enemies with and take over China. Its a lot of fun.
The game does have a few quirks. One is that it is very hard at first. You'll probably die several times before you unlock enough abilities or level enough to start winning. As you keep playing, you'll eventually hit a point where you know no enemy could possibly stop you. A possible solution would be to allow players to change difficulties in the middle of a campaign, but that option isn't there. Another issue is when you're working as an office under another ruler the option to step down, quit working for them, is far too easy to click by accident. Also, on the harder difficulties, you can occasionally be killed by an attack from enemies who spawn behind you. One final issue is that co-op isn't available until you have at least 2 characters on your team and even then has to be reactivated before each battle. These are just slight annoyances though, none of them kill the fun of the game.
DW6E is a fun game with simple basic-combat, and in depth character development and leveling. While campaigns will mostly be similar the game provides plenty to do and the replay value is high. The game is enjoyable alone or with a friend.