Good-ol' hack and slash Dynasty \Warriors fun! With a few minor improvments this game is better than previous versions.
The graphics have not improved much from previous versions, but I did not notice any lag or glitches with the in-game performance. Sound quality, (aside from the cheesy dialouge) was very good. The controlling was a bit sketchy with a mouse and keyboard, so I busted out the Xbox 360 controller for Windows. After remapping the controller and disabling the keyboard, the controlling became quite smooth.
The one exciting new feature to the game is an RPQ-esqe talant tree that you personally map out as your character collect experience on the battlefield.Prefering RPG games myself, I enjoyed this new perk to the game. There is also a new "Renbu" combat system where you advance to the maximum of 4 levels, (through your talent tree), by landing consecutive hits on the battlefield. I dont care for the feature much, as it just seems to make your character glow with different colors, and not hit harder as the game implies.
Overall the game is only a mild improvment over previous versions, but the talant tree is enough to make me purchase the game and the replay value is excellent.