It may be fun for you at first, but it gets boring as you play through it.
It's another game of the Dynasty Warriors series. Little things have been changed since the DW5 though.
[5/10] Gameplay: - It's still the same. For many people, this isn't a bad thing, cause they love the feeling of smashing through hundreds of enemies. But, the bad thing is, enemy are DUMB AS ROCKS, they just stood there waiting to eat your blade or sword or whatever. And you must face this kind of enemy EVERY BATTLE, which gets boring very quickly. But the AI was kinda good back then, I wonder why they downgraded it. Characters in DW6 are nice, with cool moves, but they are greatly imbalance. You could find one character is alot stronger than other.
As always, KOEI offers you a Story Mode, Challenge Mode, and Free Mode.
The story mode, which should be offering the highest level of entertainment, is incredibly shallow. Officers' story are 60% same as each other, you will be seeing the same battlefield more than thrice. Free Mode and Challenge Mode are nothing fun to talk about. VS Mode, which is available in Orochi 2 and SW1 is missing here. VS Mode is really fun (since your opponent is not a dumb ass), I wonder why they didn't put it in DW6. Probably they're gonna put it in the expansion.
Talk about the new improvements. Climbing ladder and going through rivers is kinda fun, but it doesn't improve the pathetic gameplay. The Renbu system makes button mashing even worse, instead of using combinations of Normal - Power attacks, with the Renbu system, you'll only be using Normal attacks (which means mashing the square button like hell). The only reward for mashing is the flashy skills.
[5/10] Graphics: This time, KOEI made a minor improvement to the graphic, removed the fog of war so players could see things faraway. But, they did it without realising that it made the frame rate become unstable. It drops greatly whenever there's a high amount of enemies on-screen, which is occasionally. The camera, which I had no problems with the older versions, became something really irritating of this game. I could barely see the enemies I'm facing, and I had to spin the right analog stick like hell in order to see them.
[7/10] Sounds: The music is okay, but, the voice acting is worse than ever. Guys talk like they have no emotion, and their voice is amazingly cheesy. Women talk like they are little kids.
[--/10] Story: As always, I never rate a KOEI Warrior's story, since it's too shallow, and it isn't an important part of the game.
[4/10] Value: The game is way too shallow for you to play it more than 20hrs. That's even long, many played it for 2 hrs then smashed the game
------ OVERALL: 5,5/10 -------
Ending comment: DW6 is a total disappointment, it's 180 degrees different from what KOEI advertised. For those who think my review is too strict or I'm a hater of KOEI Warriors' series, you're totally wrong. I love the Warriors' series, but NOT DW6, I'd rather play the old Samurai Warriors 2. And for those who want to buy this game, I suggest you not buying it, if you love hack and slash, find another game of the same series.