Wow, what an accomplishment and development of this game.
I mean Koei has developed and matured out of that lil ps1 game for dynasty warriors 1 and look at this! The graphics-gnarly as heeck and the gameplay along w/ the sounds, so much improvement..
Ok so i've been a dw fan since i played dw3-i loved it...
Then i got dw5-liked it at first but got bored of it (like all the dw games).
Then wow, i got this game... Listen: dont mind the horrible reviews from other people-cuz they are wrong...
This game-has to be the best out of all the dw games-i never played dw4 ( dont know about that)...
I mean the gameplay is more like a battle -intense, hard, and awesome!
Sound: The voice acting is just intense and has the right tempo for a battle, and the music is just awesome...gnarly rock and rooll-or peacefull and lovely asian music 10/10
The controls:are easy to adapt but more (yes i mean more) complex than previous games... I mean we know that the ability to have certain amount of attacks is ,missing here, the renbu makes the game dull cuz theres no extra button massing other than square... Bleep no, are u guys crazy!?!?! I love the renbu1!!!! The attacks are awesome/creative and i like endless attacks that doesnt require u to block or do some weird dodging whenver ur attack fails (like dw2-5). And the extra other combos-like grapling, seperate charge attacks, running charge or regular attack, jump regular or charge attacks, and more-makes up for the old formula where u have to press triangle everytime after certain amount of squares so u can get a good combo-and this is more complex than the old formula.More strategy is in ur endless button mashing...
Also, the arrow (R1) attack was dumb, and rolling/ horse jumping greatly improved it. 10/10
Gameplay:Wow, i just love it... The gameplay is INTENSE!!! U cant fool around or just relax like the previous games-theres alot more to accomplish and more difficulty. The targets makes this game like hell lot more interesting and difficult, and the officer's and soldier's A.I. is just skyrocketing... I mean the officeres do more in this game!!! They can actually kill other officers and take over bases!!! And the enemy officers-if u dont take em out than good luck cuz they can have significant damage over ur force ( even some low officer can take out like 3 or 10 bases and numerous officers). The officers do alot more damage-requiring u to have more strateigies for ur attack and survival. The bases-hell yea!!! Now we're talking-bases are just gnarly and looks waaaaay better from dw5. They're massively tall and its fun and IMPORTANT to take them out!!!!! 10/10
Story: Its just educating and gnarly... KOei added ALOT of twists in the story of this game-but its creative-and I like that. But i wish theres more musou modes cuz its pointless to play the officers that doesnt have musou-no fun.8/10
Graphics: Hmmm, the graphics are pretty good-they're better than the previous games in alot of ways-but looks like crap compared to the ps3/xbox360 one-but its satisfying for a ps2 graphic.8/10
Difficulty: Its like the easiest dw game ever-except the gameplay, enemy A.I., and controls are difficult-making the gameplay slightly more difficult.. Especially when ur character is a weak lvl 1-but its lot fun when u kill numerous amount of weak peons when ur a high level w/ awesome stats and specials.10/10-as in fun and easy
Replay value: Hmmm... this is quite a problem-the lack of musoous just kills this part, but if u want to lvl every character up-thats going to be verrrrry boring... But the extension of musous keep this up- so 6.5-7.5/10
O, i just wanted to point out that some ppl who previewd this game as a broken up trash game has some right points. Like theres glitches, MAJOR lag, and disappearing enemies.- But those dont even matter-doesnt even affect the gameplay-i mean those are like minor problems-except the lag... Omg this game would've been a 10/10 if it wasnt for the lags. First player doesnt have alot of lags-just barely any-but if u play co-op, hell no!!~ It affects the gameplay sooooooo much-it makes the game less enjoyable and harder.... U get less kills. I mean the worse lagg i got into was like 1 min of pure lag..... thats just horrible.
More enemies
Horse system
Gnarly weapons
Creativity/ maze like battle fields, bases, soldiers, outfits
Improve A.I.
Gnarly story
Awesome gameplay
Gnarly features
Needs hell alot more enemies-i love just killing ppl
Weird glitches
LAGG-most major problem
disappearing officers= no visual view-which means u have to get reall close to see them cleary
Lack of musuous
So this game-i recommend for EVERYBODY!!!! especially for dw fans... screw dw3-5 and get this game-ull love it..