Nothing Breathtaking but a good step forward for the series.
Looks Great (Though I don't have an HD TV... stuck at 480i..., Might raise the score when I see the quality at 720p...)
Love the new Renbu system since it's a continous attack instead of a certain number of moves with a pause and then a continuation of those moves.
The new weapons each officer has is refreshing.
The number of foes per screen (single) is great.
Even during normal mode I've had my share fare of deaths. Glad it's not too easy or hard during normal mode. Since... well, it's supposed to be normal.
Love the Skill Tree. It's simple to understand and rewarding for each level up.
The more freedom to move around is great and am pleased at the ability to jump from a mountain to the bottom without having to go around. This also applies to swimming across rivers.
Story needs more! Lu Bu's story arc is by far the best. Would Koei please add Japanese Voice Track? Such as they did with SW?
Level Design needs more... material.
On the PS3 there are slowdows. Some are rewarding and go swell with a situation but the DW6 does not fully run 60 FPS on the PS3.
Climbing is not so rewarding and the destinations of a climb should be more bang for the buck.
Need more Characters!
A great buy with its faults that dont overpower the positives (in my eyes anyway)