Two steps forward, One step back.
Graphics: I think the graphics are worse then 6, but not bad by any means. The character models are amazeing , but the maps are all recycled. They have no flow to them and most of them you can't tell apart.
Sound: The sounds in this game are solid , the soundtrack is loaded with a lot of Heavy Metal instrumental music. I think alot of the menu sounds and such have also been recycled for way to long though.
Gameplay: The gameplay is where it shines and also dims at the same time. Story Mode is all new , you play as certain charcters in certain times to make it more accurate. Story mode really shines as the battles become longer but with more reflection on the story it keeps you interested, objectives will have you doing things you wouldnt normally do in the previous games or in the new Conquest Mode. Such as using seige weapons such as Catapults to break down doors or Arblest to secure an area. Conquest mode on the other hand is alot of grinding with minimal reward, afterawhile you will have to search for suffcient battles with the loss of free mode, which in my mind makes it a chore to work up characters. K.O. Counts don't seem to help with this either. To me thats a big part of a Beat Em Up/ Hack en Slash. You make the little guys mean little and the game loses point. The weapon system is claimed to be new , but lets face it. Its the same weapon system used in Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce. It has sadly been stripped of key elements. The material system similar to games like Monster Hunter Freedom have been scrapped and the Seals are very basic. Move sets are not unique to indivdial characters either which really hurts the replay value. Most of the weapons seem to look the same which also makes getting new weapons pointless.
All in all its Been there done that, but still addictive to the hardcore fans.
8/10 levihohenfeldt