Same solid gameplay, new features.
DW7 has the same solid gameplay the others have always had. The special attacks are redone very well and you can now equip 2 weapons to any character. Of course there are restrictions to what some characters can use, but not overly so. Combos the same as the other games, but no one character seems overpowered,like a Lu bu or Orochi from Warriors Orochi, so thats a plus.
The best thing about DW7 is the story and conquest modes. The story mode is basically the history of the 3 kingdoms, but this time each battle has a specific character you have to play, which is great because it mixes up the game. You dont find yourself just grinding through the story with someone like Guan Yu. Conquest mode is a open mode where you move around a board fighting random battles like "Protect the Ally" or "Capture the bases". There are also citys where you buy weapons, recruit allies to fight in battle with you, and so on. Also, this is the mode where you unlock people who arent in the Story modes. Conquest mode is where the meat of the game is.
Dynasty Warriors 7 is a great addition to the franchise and gives one hope that the upcoming games will have many more new modes that play upon a solid gameplay and story base.