The Dynasty Warriors series, once one hell of a battle game, has never changed in the way the game actually plays. DEAD!
The first sign of weakness comes when you realize the plot is a load of BS. Gundam fans, sorry, but the show you watch must be hella weak to have a terrible story like this. The voice acting is also either dude-on-sleeping-pills or dude-that's-so-overly-enthusiastic-about-screaming-his-lines-at-the-top-of-his-lungs-it's-sickening!
And what's with the names for characters? I'm sure to take someone named Master China seriously. All this is bad and all, but the gameplay's got to renew this, right? I mean, this IS Dynasty Warriors, and you get to get a massive kill count! This is where the game's biggest flaw comes around; apart from a different story and a different
look, THIS IS THE SAME GAME YOU'VE PLAYED MILLIONS OF TIMES. And when I say same, I mean it. You've got the same map (briefing and in-game), the same attacks, the same enemy AI (so outdated it's painful), the same in-game officers you need to kill, the same full-meter powers (and the same team-up-with-your-buddy-to-make-a-bigger-full-meter-power, and on and on. You know the little messages that pop up when you kill in intervals of 50, the ones that congratulate you, and your master complements you? The same thing goes for this entry, and instead of trying to mix it up, they say the EXACT SAME LINES! Thanks for the complement, Master China, I REALLY care what you think.
An even bigger flaw is that they DO try and change a couple of things, like the lines your character says and a small bit of the fighting controls, they completely break and make worse. When you're laying waste to a bunch of robotic fiends, your dude doesn't make some insanely-cheesy-yet-awesome quip; he says a line like "Mission accomplished" or some other insanely robotic line with the enthuiasm of a dead cat! Also, you know how in past Dynasty Warriors entries you could use a small bit of your power bar by combining some basic attacks with the button? They ripped that out. Your power isn't even powerful; just you shooting lots of shots at an enemy right in front of you!
It's time to put the Dynasty to bed. Trying to get Gundam fans interested was a noble effort, but it fails miserably. Whatever the hell company makes this game all the time, try making a new game instead of the same old stuff every time.