Does not deserve a 10, but if people are going to rate it as a 3 then I have to rate it as a 10 to offset. Really a 7.

User Rating: 10 | Gundam Musou International X360
I'm not a gundam fanboy and Dynasty warriors games usually bore me pretty quickly....but I gotta say....I like this game. This is not halo, or bioshock, or any other game on that level. It's more like a really fun and addictive grade B game.

It might just be because I had low expectations, but I was surprised with how much fun I had while playing this game. The presentation is good imho. I like the fighting cut scenes, I like the match up with multiple mini-bosses, I like the sheer number of suits on the field at one time, I like the close combat and slow motion sequences. Combat isn't perfect but better than I expected. The combos seem limited at first but when combine with dash/jump/counter/boost, it becomes pretty engaging. The most important part of this combat system in my opinion is that the combo with the most attacks isn't always the best. I found myself mixing my combos regularly to create a more effective attack within a certain radius. I think it's pretty fun.

Graphics fit nicely. Very fitting for the games settings, but in the end I think could have been better.

Sound, no complaints.

I think this game is simple and fun. It does not deserve a 10 but nor does it deserve less than a 7.

That being the case I have to rate it as a 10 simply to offset the people who rate games as 1's, 2's, or 3's when they don't deserve those scores