Dynasty Warriors: Gundam is more of the same, but in small doses, undeniably fun.

User Rating: 6 | Gundam Musou International X360
If you've ever played a Dynasty Warriors game, you know what to expect. You'll fight through massive amounts of enemies to fight a boss character, rinse and repeat. It's the same basic fighting except that there are the additional dash attacks which does open up more attack options. Something noticeable is that the enemy hordes tend to hit back a lot more which does add some challenge. Unfortunately, you can still beat the game by hitting the X button repeatedly. However, killing a thousand enemies in less than twenty minutes is incredibly satisfying, even if the way you do it is a little lack luster. The story is told abysmally and you'll have no idea of what's going on unless you watched the anime, however, if you're playing this game, you probably have seen most of them. The camera can ocasionaly cause problems when fighing the boss characters, but usualy isn't all that noticeable. On e of the main focuses of the game is replay value. This is clear by the fact that one of the achievments is to kill a total of 100,000 enemies. The game can be fun if you don't come in with high expectations and I would definitly recomend a rental if you're the least bit interested in either Dynasty Warriors or Gundams.