You'll probably love this game if you're a Gundam fan, but there was so much more that could've been offered.
Ok this game plays just like Dynasty Warriors, only instead of Chinese Warriors, you get Gundams! Now I'm pretty satisfied with the gameplay, everything runs smooth and there are plently of enemies to slaughter. You can fly, dash, and there are more combos than previous Dynasty Warriors games. I think the camera overall is pretty good, but fighting a boss one-on-one might put your balls in a meat grinder. You cant really target, but you can guard/strife which you will find yourself doing a lot, it quickly adjusts the camera. The manuevering is well-rounded and quick, so you can compensate for the awkward camera. Graphics:
The game can output at 720p, and I assume the PS3 version looks better, since it was initially made for the PS3. The robot models look great, but the environments are average. I was pretty satisfied overall.
Most of the background music tracks are really cool, and fit the mood of the game well, too bad there arent very many! The SFX are average, and the Japanese voice acting is much better than the English (the Publishers probably felt the same way, which is why they made it switchable). Story & Concept:
Uhh, unless you've seen most of the Gundam series, you probably won't know what the hell any of the character's are talking about. Mission's are repetitive but I dont care! The object of any war-like games are just to defeat all the enemies.
Content & Replay Value:
The best part about this game is its 2-player, you can play Co-op on Official and Original mode. Throughout the game, you can unlock new parts and skills by defeating bosses. Unfortunately I think I'm onto something, if you let one of your computer comrades defeat the boss instead of you, it seems that you will get like a recovery item or something, instead of an equipable part! Thats a buncha BS, and the only way around that is to try to stay ahead of your comrades and get the kill for yourself! And here is my biggest dissapointment, the moron at Gamestop told me that every Gundam from every Gundam series would be in the game. Gundam Seed and Gundam Seed Destiny series arent even in this, and those are the only Gundam series I've seen! So that really punctured a hole into my heart after I found that out (I found out before I got the game, but bought it anyways). After unlocking all the Gundams, there are like 18 to choose from, which is a DECENT selection. Well actually its not, cause if this game had ALL the Gundams from all the series, there would be like a hundred. And I know, the PS3 has enough space on the blu-ray disc to throw the rest of those stupid robots in it. Overall the game is quite enjoyable, especially with a friend, and right when you start a mission, there are hordes of robots in front of you to slay, so the replay value seems pretty high to me. I hope they make a 2nd Dynasty Warriors: Gundam game with a lot more content (like maybe "Create-a-gundam" mode, now how cool would that be?!), because watching the mechs go at it is pretty fun. Honestly you shouldnt don't pay $60 for this game if you arent a Gundam fan, because a simple hack-n-slash game like this should offer a ton of content, but it doesnt. But if you are a fan though, you will probably love this game.