A game you can keep playing all day at work, school, and home.
Choice between Musou attack, Archery, and Sword combat.
Weapon and Clothing upgrades.
Multiple characters are playable in a single save game.
The Bad:
Some of the quests are out of the story line, and are related more to Orochi.
The Review:
This game has great graphics, great sound, and a great storyline. To add to that, the game-play is simply superb. This game can be eternally played, due to its level feature, and the ability of this game to make all characters available to be played in a single save game, making it so that not only can you complete a storyline with just one dynasty, but also play all dynasties and then have the characters from other dynasties also made available for playing.
Now, in the game, there are 3 dynasties. They each have a separate story to follow, but a similar layout; they all want to control China. Playing one dynasty will first team you, and then pit you against, the other two dynasties. After defeating the other dynasties, many of their characters will be unlocked, and you can play them and level them up, but not play their storyline. The storyline of each dynasty is available to play though, since there are 3 save game data slots.
What makes this game even more fun is the downloadable add-ons that allow for new quests, and allow you to play with a team, making this game's hardest bosses seemingly easier.
All in all, this game gets a 10 out of 10 in my book.