A step in the right direction for the dynasty warriors series.
+Looks good
+Less repetetive as the previous games
+3 player ad hoc multiplayer
-Still a bit repetetive sometimes
Dynasty warriors strikeforce brings a fresh outlook to the dynasty warriors series on the PSP.
It brings a wide choice of weapons such as fans, dual blades, bows, bowblades and many more.
These can be purchased in your village- you can also get upgrades 'orbs' and start missions and side quests there.
Orbs effect your performance in many ways- to buy anything you need the materials for them- these can be found in battlefield from enemies or from hacking open barrels etc..
For example- a power orb increases your attack when you attach it to your weapon.
There's also more of a fantasy element- you can jump a lot higher and some enemies even use magic to try and beat you down- altough this can be fustrating by making you say 'why can't I have magic?' it does manage to offer another challenge apart from rubbish foot soldiers and the occassional archer.
Bosses on the whole can be hard- sometimes there's more than one and occassionally you'll need to use your souroundings to win (like jumping through ledges) I really liked this as it made it slightly different each time, despite a few reapeted maps.
Missions also have some variety- sometimes you have to find and deafet a boss- maybe you'll have to collect hidden items in chests or you have to capture areas by killing all enemies, despite them getting boring later on in the game they're not bad at all compared to previous DW games for PSP.
In some zones there's an infinite spawn of enemies, the more you kill the more exp you get- this also gets you experience in the weapon you use.
You can carry 2 weapons into battle- it would be nicer if you were aloud more but the 2 just about does it (1 weapon for ranged and 1 for close combat)
Over all it's a fun game, if you enjoy being powerful and wiping out huge armies by yourself- or with up to 3 freinds using ad hoc, then it's just a very good game.