Solid hack-and-slasher for the PSP that incorporates all of the Dynasty Warriors mechanics from the console games.
Dynasty Warriors: Volume 2 is the second DW game for the PSP, and heavily borrows elements from the likes of Dynasty Warriors 4 and 5. Like every good Dynasty Warriors games, Volume 2 involves battles of regions and good hack-and-slashing with very little strategy needed. In a way, that's where its strengths lie.
Instead of being a slow tactical strategy game for the PSP, Volume 2 followed its PSP predescessor's footsteps and even tweaking it up a little bit. There are various modes to see, but all of them are similar in core gameplay. The Musou Mode is the basic story mode, in which you choose your warrior to play as (depending on the Force you choose, of course) and go on campaigns in order to progress your character's story. It's very solid and neat. There's also some strategy to make, since you yourself will choose which path your army will travel to, when to retreat, etc.
There are other modes, but as I said earlier, they are all common.
Volume 2 looks and feels like a PS2 game, with tight and solid controls, making you concentrate on the fight at hand rather than being trapped in a labyrinthine maze of menus and complex controls. It also looks so beautiful, that you feel like playing a PS2 game on the PSP.
The music is somewhat a hit-and-miss, for the oriental war music can appreciate, but sometimes, it's absent because of the constant death cries of the enemies you have wiped out. It might have helped to add some voices, too.
Overall, Dynasty Warriors: Volume 2 is a solid reiteration of the brilliant hack-and-slash series, and fans of the genre should get a copy.