Way too easy and boring. Also very hard to control some games.
Wall ball- It is highly inaccurate. You may aim left thinking the ball is going right where you dive, but it won't. It will go completely the other way, also making this one boring like the rest of the games.
Kicks- Most people say this is soccer, but it's not. It's kicks. All you do is kick the ball back and forth without trying to let the other team make a goal. Sounds fun right? Well it isn't!
Tether ball- Again, too simple. You wait for the ball to come to you, and then you press A. That's all I can say for thatl
Paper racers- Eh... sort of fun, I guess. It is too hard to control the airplane. You can move the remote the slightest bit and the plane will swoop down, shoot up, take a hard right, or change course directly left.
DODGE BALL- The game Playground over-advertises- Tooooooooo easy. You can win in literally 10 seconds if you play it right. Step 1- pick up a ball and throw (automatically aimed)it at someone.1/3 outs. Step 2- Wait half a second for your partner to throw their ball at someone for an out.2/3 outs. Step 3-Press B right before the last opponent's ball hits you to catch it.3/3 OUTS. Boring.
I haven't tried Dart Shootout because the rest bored me to death.WARNING- do not buy this game!