EA Playground is one of those ups and downs games that holds itself right in the middle of the scale.
The bad: Tedious controls, games are too easy, boring and short, Multiplayer is the only real fun, buying stickers gets annoying easily, music is kind of repetitive
Game-play: 6/10
Graphics: 8/10
Sound: 8/10
Value: 5/10
Tilt: 6/10
Average Score: 6.6/10
EA Games has made many wacky and mixed games liek the Harry Potter move liscensed games and whatever. Now, they're giving the children excitment with EA Playground, that's right, a game on the playground. You get to select single or multiplayer, but you'll obviously choose multiplayer because of how boring the single player is.
The game basically gives you information when you start a game. There are games like Nitro kart racing and basketball. Nitro Kart racing is too easy and doesn't offer much of a challenge. Basketball, however, is kind of challenging, and offers good fun.
A problem with the game starts with the controls. The game is controlled by the D-pad, which gets kind of frustrating walking. When you're playing games, the Wii remote is used. Many times the controls are perfect, and sometimes they're terrible. This gets very frustrating as the game doesn't choose when to be too easy or very hard, but overall it's very easy.
Graphically, the game is decent, I mean, the movement is good. The backgrounds are beautiful, with childish color in between. The music isn't half-bad either, and offers some catchy songs. Overall, however, sometimes the music is annoyingly repetitive, likely to the point where you'll find the options and turn it off.
When you win a game, you get cash. And what will you buy? Stickers for your book. At first, the idea might seem pleasant, but colelcting stickers easily gets tiring, and you'll probably keep all your money to yourself. It's kind of like Wario, except you don't pick your nose or scratch your butt.
EA Playground is one of those ups and downs games that holds itself right in the middle of the scale. It's a shame EA didn't really put some challenge into the game, but the game has decent graphics and music. Older gamers will want to skip this game or rent it, but younger audiences will have a blast with it. Still, if you love EA, this isn't really the game you'd expect from them, and there are better multiplayer games on the Wii.