It could have been so much more.

User Rating: 6 | Chikyuu Boueigun 3 X360
After playing it for three hours I had to put the controler down and ask "why?"

The game isn't bad but its not good, its kinda somewhere in the middle. The story is a bare minimum earth invasion that reads out like a fifth grader level story, not much though was put behind it. The next major flop is the badies, giant ants... and spiders?!? I hate to say this but if you were an alien and you were invading wouldn't you create some vicoious alien-like criter to do your bidding, rather than X1,000ing a bunch of earth bugs?

The other big problem is in the form of the badies ability to take damage... almost none. Just about every bug or gunship you fight will be a one hit kill, or very close to a one hit kill. The giant robots stand to be more of a chalange, but not by much.

The graphics could have been nicer, and the fact that you can blow every building up is neat, untill you realise that all your doing is turning them into cookie cutter rubble piles (that don't represent the ammount of matieral that the building started with).

In short this game could have been a very serious and interesting game, it just needed some more story, graphics upgrades and a small pinch of reality in it. As it stands if you want the most "B Movie" experiance you can get, than your headed in the right direction, if you were looking for a serious alien invasion game... keep looking.