How can a game be so horrible but be so horribly addictive?
OK, the game graphics are very disappointing, there not the worst graphics ever but there very retro arcade like. and it looks nothing like a 360 game should.
Everything in the game is destructible, you can blow up everything you want in a mercs 2 style, buildings crumble, bugs fly 20-100ft back from a simple machine gun blast.
The menu is very very annoying, there is this girl/narrator/commander who will tell you so called "hints" about what weapons to take into battle and so on.
The game has 5 difficulty modes. easy, normal, hard, hardest, and inferno. and 53 missions in total (but you will do one mission to figure out in the end of that mission you have to retreat, only to come back to that same place or do the same thing in another mission.)
The plot is very cheesy, aliens have invaded earth and you have to kill them, all 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 of them. (That's just my estimate) so its not a very good story but then agian, EDF:2017 is not about story or graphics it's about having the time of your life.
The sound design is not very good, particularly the menu music and sound, and the game can't hold a good frame rate to save it's life. But the game is a blast, and that's all i care about.
Should you get it? Well, i recommend it to fans of mercs 2 and to people who just want to kill gigantic bugs, and blow stuff up. But if your looking for a game that has a good story, great graphics, Etc. Don't get it.