Although you probably think this game is garbage, you need to give this old-school shoot-fest a chance. Trust me.
Okay, so the graphics are passable, though below average from what you've come to expect 360 games to look like. They aren't terrible, but they're not great. Buildings collapse from a single rocket though, which is a nice touch and a ton of fun. Bugs will just go stiff once you kill them, only to disapear seconds later. The main character's animations are kinda funky, and he totally looks like he dropped a deuce in his drawers. The UFOs and Walking Arms, on the other hand, actually look really cool, and are a blast to blow up.
Same story with the sound. The voice acting is alright, but what they actually SAY is hilarious. "What kind of aliens?" "It's... it's a bug! A very huge bug!" You can tell that this game didn't spend very much time in the translation phase of it's development. Also, on a completely unrelated note, read the instruction booklet for some real fun. "The Ravagers' Assault Spiders were engineered to be high-flying, silk-spinning death machines"
Now, the good part of the game: the gameplay. Blowing up crap has never been more fun. With just over 170 weapons to choose from and 53 missions to beat, there is a ton of stuff to do in this game. You will literally have to take breather from the action for a while. (For me, it was because my eyes started hurting from all the lasers... :D) You will be fighting hundreds of bugs and robots at a time, and it's just utter chaos, in a good way. The action comes at a price though, as there is some slowdown. It usually goes away after a couple seconds, but it is still there from time to time. There are also FIVE different difficulty setting to play on, so you should be playing this game for a while.
This game is only $40, but you may want to wait for a price drop (trust me, it can't be a long ways off) or rent it to see if you personally like it. It's a shame this game's not getting some more attention, because I think all 360 owners should at least try this game out.